Forwarders Compare

Version 2.0


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Shipito: Solid package forwarder with locations in the US, EU and Japan for addresses.

A well established forwarder with transparent pricing and good services. Shipito often get good reviews from shoppers.

Some of the providers listed on this website may compensate us if you use them. This does not influence how we include, list or score them. Learn more about how we make money.

By Nick Beeny, February, 2025.

Our Scores & Opinion for Shipito


The scores are calculated out of 5.0, higher is better and lower scores are worse. Scores are designed to give you a general overview of the package forwarders services, costs and fees. Actual costs and fees may vary for your particular personal circumstances. These should be used as a guide only.

Shipito Shipping Score

Scores for shipping costs and service options to your country:

From the USA: 3.0

Our shipping score is calculated by comparing shipping costs across 10 of the most popular destinations and the amount of shipping options. A higer score, out of 5, is better. Where the forwarder has locations in more than one country, we have listed different scores calculated by analysing the shipping costs and options from that location.

Shipito Fee Score

The fee score: 3.2

The fee score takes into account the extra fees that are charged for things like membership fees and extra services like parcel consolidation and repackaging.

Our Opinion

The following is our review of the services offered by Shipito

Pros and Cons


  • Competitive shipping costs
  • Tax-free shopping
  • Assisted shopping service
  • Free 90 storage
  • Warehouse in Japan


  • Fees are not the cheapest
  • Handling fee on all packages

Fees & Costs Details

Registration fee: $0
Membership fee: Basic free, premium $10 per month or $60 per year
Tax free?: Premium only, Oregon warehouse
Locations: California, Oregon. Rastenfeld, Austria. Chiba, Japan.
Processing fee: Free $3.25/Premium $2.25 each package
Consolidation fee: Free $5.50/Premium $3.25 each package
Repackaing fee: Not available
Storage: Basic free for 7 days, premium up to 90 days
Photos: 1-3 exterior free, aditional $8/$5
Customs declarations: Free $7/ Premium $5 fee
Insurance: Starts from $3
Live chat support: Yes
Shipping calculator:



Shipito are based in California and Oregon, for tax-free shopping, in the US. They also have locations in the EU and Japan.

Registration and Sign-up

Sign-up is easy and done through the website. There are 3 membership plans, a free one, premium and a business plan for $99 a year.

Prices ad costs

All standard services are available to free members as well as premium members. Only premium members can take advantage of their tax-free warehouse.

Customer Support

Live chat support is available


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